Now the cloud storage of is in your pocket! Download 4shared Android app (APK file below) and install the app on your device to access millions of files anywhere anytime. As of now, is one of the biggest cloud storage service providers and its app has made it extremely simple for you to store your files and access them anywhere right on your Android tablet or phone.
With 4shared Android app, you can easily manage your files on the go. Sharing of files is a breeze with this app. Moreover, 4shared Android app provides you a flexible search feature which lets you search for specific files with great ease.
To start accessing files on 4shared cloud with your phone or the tablet, download 4shared apk file below. The direct link is given so you can install the app manually via its apk file or you can follow Google Play's link to install the app from there if Android Market app is installed and working on your device.