Now capture all your moments and events with this cool and fun app that saves all your photos, memorable events and traveling moments in the form of stories in cloud space of 2 GB. You can save your photos and videos in the app and access them anytime and from anywhere. You can access your photos and videos from mobile phone and PC/MAC and transfer the files between cross platforms. Capture also allows to share your memories with anyone. People can see your stories and add more to your events by further adding pictures and videos to it.
Capture provides free 2 GB of storage to whoever signs up for it so they can save their precious photos and memories in that storage and use them and access them from anywhere whether from their computer or mobile device. Saving your photos in a single place can always be risky as you can lost your data through various reasons. This is a cool idea to put all your photos on the capture cloud space so you are always able to reach your memories.
Download Capture APK file and secure your memories right away.