Keep this in mind that Sprint doesn't have an official Android app posted on Google Player so the apk file of Sprint Zone provided here on our website is extracted from a Nexus device. It may be possible that this app may not work on your Android device (Nexus 6) or may create bugs so try this on your own risk and talk to other Android users on either XDA Forums or on Android Central forums to get help about how to make Sprint Zone Android app work on your device.
You can download Sprint Zone apk file on this page to start managing your Sprint account right from your Nexus device. Just in case you aren't loving the interface and features of their mobile website, you can try installing Sprint Android app by downloading its apk here on this page. Most users report that this apk file fail to install the app on their devices and if someone luckily succeeds in installing Sprint app, still configuration issues may occur.
As there is a huge user base of Sprint out there, so Sprint should think about publishing their app for Android on Google Play Store by making it compatible with devices they target. We hope that they will publish the Android version of their app on Play Store soon as an iPhone version (with a poor rating) already exists on App Store out there.
The best way to find out either this app works for you or not, simply download its apk provided at download link and then trying installing Sprint Android app to see if this extracted app works for you or not.
P.S.: If you have found a way to install Sprint Android app on your device, then don't forget to share your solution in comments below as a lot of users are out there are struggling to get this app installed on their devices. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated by RoidBay staff as well as Android users visiting this page. Also don't forget to tell other users in comments below either the apk (you downloaded from this page) worked for you or not.