Free WiFi Connect is a free communcation app developed and published by Mentisco for the android OS. This app is perfect for the purposes of data saving since whenever in the proximity of a Wi-Fi network, this app disconnects from the mobile data and connects you automatically to the wireless network and you can start using it while saving yourself a lot of data. It happens sometimes that even though you are near a Wi-Fi connection, you forget connecting to it and keep using the internet on the mobile data and when it comes to your mind, it already is too late for you. That is why you need an app like this one which connects you directly to the Wi-Fi networks whenever there is one available and saves you a lot of mobile data and trouble as well. To get this app for free, download Free WiFi Connect apk right now from our website and save yourself some budget.
Here is a list of some of the top features of the app.
Free WiFi Connect is an absolutely free app.
Fast network scanner which would find Wifi connections asap and connect you to it to save your mobile data.
You can create your personal hotspot with this app on your phone and share the internet with the others.